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Microchip Bootloader Programmer compatible with AN851

The purpose of this design is to offer an alternative solution to the official PIC18F/PIC16F Quick Programmer (P1618QP) bootloader programmer, available as part of AN851 project on Microchip web pages.

Microchip Bootloader Programmer

In the beginning, there was an issue with the original application window size (see below) ... status is not visible completely and some of the settings are thus not easy to modify.

Microchip PIC18F/PIC16F Quick Programmer

The software uses original files' structure (i.e. SETTINGS.INI, PROGMEM.MCP, EEDATA.MCP, CONFIG.MCP, USERID.MCP, ERROR.MCP) for storing its settings as well as data for write to or read from the chip. Everything should be clear from one-form design of the execution program, written in Microsoft Visual Studio.

You can download the program and settings file here: